Critical Thinking and Media Literacy


Media literacy is 

the set of practices carried out by a person in order to analyze, evaluate, criticize and manipulate the media.
Today the media are part of the daily life of every human being, to make things easier, to feed communication needs of entertainment of dissatisfaction consumption under the pretext of improving.           Industries use those means to sell their products to persuade the consumer. Critical thinking and media literacy is a powerful tool and can be used 

"Media literacy can also help people navigate the digital world safely and responsibly. Some important skills that can be developed through media literacy include the ability to identify fake news, assess the quality of information sources, and understand how personal data is used online.
In short, critical thinking and media literacy are important skills that can help people make informed decisions and navigate the digital world safely and responsibly."

Critical thinking is

 a mental process that involves analyzing, evaluating, and synthesizing information to reach a conclusion or make a decision.
"El pensamiento crítico es el proceso de dudar de las afirmaciones que en la vida cotidiana suelen aceptarse como verdaderas. Por ello, el pensamiento crítico no aspira a alcanzar una verdad absoluta, sino a profundizar en prácticas y estrategias que nos permiten someter nuestras convicciones, y las de otras personas, a discusiones." (Wikipedia).


These two tools do not help to differentiate the real from the unreal of not letting advertisements be believed notifications, news, etc.



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